Starting on 05/10/2024 All, Carambola - A banda, Knockout, 5 rounds
Scoring systems
Points per won match: 2
Points per tied match: 1
Points per lost match: 0Overall ranking
Overall ranking: These are the points that this competition adds for the overall rankingPosition 1: 72Position 2: 56Position 3: 40Position 4: 40Position 5: 32Position 6: 30Position 7: 28Position 8: 26Position 9: 20Position 10: 19Position 11: 18Position 12: 17Position 13: 16Position 14: 15Position 15: 14Position 16: 13Position 17: 12Position 18: 11Position 19: 10Position 20: 9Position 21: 8Position 22: 7Position 23: 6Position 24: 5Remaining positions: 4Points for attendant: 5Points for BYE: 0Points for No Show: 0
In case of a tie between two teams, it will be taken into account (in order):
1. Total points difference.
2. Team scoring more points.
3. Team receiving less points.
In case of a tie to all the above, the classified team is the one with